Sam D. Style (Natural Salon)

Hello there, I hope all is well with you and your family! Below are some important reminders and information to read before scheduling your appointment. Please confirm that all booking information is correct. The person getting serviced is who should be listed in the booking confirmation. Failure to do so is subject to cancellation. If you are scheduling the appointment on someone else’s behalf please use their first name, last name, and the best phone number where they can be reached when necessary. DEPOSIT: A non-refundable deposit is now required for scheduling. Your deposit will be deducted from your service total upon checkout. If you need to reschedule your deposit will go towards your rescheduled appointment One Time Only. Please email me at least 48hours in advance and no later than 24hours before your appointment to cancel/reschedule. Rescheduling should be planned within 2-4 weeks of initial appointment.

Business Hours

11 AM - 4 PM
11 AM - 4 PM
11 AM - 4 PM
11 AM - 4 PM
11 AM - 4 PM
12 PM - 6 PM

Cancellation Policy

Due to last minute cancellation inconveniences, I ask that you cancel 48-24 hours in advance. There is a 50% cancellation fee for any appointments cancelled under a 24 hour window of your appointment. No call no shows are subject to 100% service fee or no future booking. (While I understand life happens, last minute cancellations can negatively impact my small business. The appointment time could have been taken by someone else who was available to take that appointment slot but by then it is too late of notice to schedule them.) Cancellation due to COVD: The same cancellation policy applies but if you can provide a positive Covid test result then the cancellation fee will go towards your rescheduled appointment. Please plan accordingly. Thank you for your understanding.